Monday, March 23, 2020

Production - Kara Para Ask

The crew of Kara Para Ask does an incredible job making the story come to life. There have been so many times while watching that I have forgotten the characters are only acting and not real (I'm sad to even write this realization because I am looking forward to watching it later and am so invested emotionally that I want to believe my favorite characters will find happiness and love). I believe three reasons that the series is so captivating and believable are that it was filmed on location rather than in a studio, the characters are dressed as and behave as regular people, building relatability, and the thematic music rises and falls at the exact right moments, evoking familiarity and shared emotions with the characters. 

Every episode takes place in a new location. We see some of the same spots, such as Omer and Elif's homes, the cabin where Nilüfer is held hostage, and the diamond shop in Rome, but so much of the story continues to evolve and unravel in new places. There are car chases and meals shared in real cafes, secret underground meetings and parties at clubs and bars. Because of this variety, we as viewers feel like we know the town and are experiencing life with the characters. Each scene feels fluid, real, and exciting, much like life itself. We never know where Elif and Omer will venture next on their quest. 

Additionally, Omer and Elif have signature styles that follow their character templates, without seeming out of touch with real Turkish society. Omer is more casual and relatable; he is comfortable with the working class and dresses in a handsome, yet approachable way. He connects to the middle and lower class viewers. Elif is stunningly beautiful and dresses in fine jewelry and expensive leather. As Omer's family comments, "she looks like a model." Although this dress is not commonplace to the average Turkish individual, the way she dresses better tells the narrative of her wealth, contributing to the divide of she and Omer face as star-crossed-lovers. They should not be together, yet they end up together. I am so excited to see this unfold. 

My favorite part of the telenovela is the soundtrack. The music is recurring, so we know what to anticipate when certain songs begin to play. For instance, Hayat Acılardan Geçer and Alışmak Çok Zor, two sorrowful ballads, play when sad and nostalgic memories occur and a character is lamenting. Çark plays when the evil and mysterious uncle Tayyar is plotting against the main characters behind their backs. İntikam Kokusu starts playing when something CRAZY is about to happen or be unveiled, this makes viewers know to pay attention. Aşkımız Çıkmaz Sokak plays when something mysterious is happening, and we really don't know how it will end. As Omer and Elif bond over tragedy, Elif & Ömer plays. These familiar tunes help project the character's emotions into songs, connecting viewers to the ways they are feeling throughout their experiences. It is really very powerful.

I am so in love with all of the characters as they struggle through lies, truth, hope, and darkness to find meaning, comfort, and safety. I am excited to see where the directors and crew will continue to guide each of them on their journey.

1 comment:

  1. Siento lo mismo en que necesito realiza que mis personajes no son reales. Siento que si conociero a Castillo en la vida real, esperaría que ella actúa como teresa. Es muy bueno que tu telenovela tiene muchos lugares. Siento que la mía tiene varios lugares, pero recientemente comienzan a expandirse a otros lugares. Me estaba cansando un poco de ver el mismo bar y el mismo apartamento. Ahora estoy en un lugar donde la producción realmente se ha diversificado ya que mis personajes han viajado a un lugar nuevo. Los personajes de mi telenovela no visten en ropas ricas Todas sus ropas tienen un estilo de simplicidad a menos que haya escenas muy significativas. Esto puede usarse como una manera para que nos enfoquemos más en las caras de los personajes porque hay muchas escenas emocionales.


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