I'm really appreciative of the fact that I can take a class that allows me to connect with my childhood of watching telenovelas. I originally chose El Clon because I was drawn to the twin mystery and the setting in the Middle East that gives it an additional sense of culture. I was discussing the assignment with my mom and when I told her I was considering El Clon, her face lit up. She told me she watched it and loved it.
The fact that my mom seemed so excited about it set the deal for me and I knew I wanted to choose this telenovela. She got so excited for me to start watching that she started considering rewatching it since it had been so long.
I am thankful that this class allows me to have more connections with my mom and family by allowing us to bond more. I honestly haven't watched as many telenovelas as I did when I was a child, and I'm excited this class allows me to reconnect with myself.
I'm excited to link a fun pastime to educational purposes.
Esta fue también mi parte favorita de esta clase. Al elegir la telenovela que me gustó me permitió tener una experiencia totalmente diferente con la telenovela. Nunca he visto algo tan activo en la televisión. Supongo que el Dr. A tenía razón, no hay nadie inmune a la telenovela. A veces todavía tengo esa canción de telenovela en mi cabeza sólo porque esa cosa es tan pegadiza también. Realmente espero que te haya gustado tu telenovela y te hayas divertido viéndola.